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Reproductive Endoscopic Surgery including Fallopian Tube Recanalization     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Center has surgeons highly skilled in

Problems that occur with a woman's reproductive organs sometimes cannot be found by a physical examination alone. Laboratory tests, Ultrasounds, X-Rays, may still leave some uncertainty. Frequently, problems that cannot be discovered by routine inves

Fallopian tube sperm perfusion is based on a pressure injection of 40ml sperm suspension with an attempt to seal the cervix to prevent semen reflux. It attempts to ensure a sperm flushing of the fallopian tubes and an overflowing of the inseminate in

Ultrasound technology has made dramatic advances in recent years. Ultrasound now offers infertile patients newer treatment options not available before. Modern surgical techniques have progressively become less and less invasive - all to the patient'

Almost anyone who has suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth worries about the risk of having subsequent losses. Recent information indicates that women should look into testing after two losses when it used to be common to wait until three. This is es

Deccan Fertility Clinic administers the following tests to determine problems of the male partner concerning inadequate or abnormal sperm production and delivery, anatomical problems, previous testicular injuries or hormonal imbalances. These tests a

Epididymal AspirationThis surgical procedure is indicated in cases of congenital absence of the vas deferens (the long tube through which sperm travel during ejaculation), although some males with a vasectomy or failed vasovasotomy are also c

Assisted Hatching  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Most people are familiar with the fact that most couples who reach the point in an ART cycle when embryos are transferred to the uterus, will not achieve a pregnancy. Even when presumably high quality, fertile eggs are used, such as in egg donation,

Oocyte Donor Program  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Egg quality has remained one of the major determinants of successful IVF. Egg quality diminishes over age 35 and significantly declines over the age of 39, yielding a low chance of successful pregnancy in an otherwise healthy woman capable of carryin

BET is a variation of in vitro fertilization. Embryos are grown to a more advanced, stronger stage, very similar to the stage when embryos implant in the uterus, and are transferred five days after the egg retrieval. BET helps reduce the incidence of

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