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Embryo Freezing  ( Jul 30,2010 )

This is the process of freezing embryos to preserve them over time. Frozen embryos have been successfully thawed and used in later cycles that resulted in pregnancy.During a fresh stimulated IVF cycle 3-4 embryos are transferred to the patient an

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a laboratory procedure developed to help infertile couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due to severe male factor infertility. ICSI involves the insertion of a single sperm directly into the cyto

In Vitro Fertilization  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Beginning an IVF cycle is an exciting and anxious time for a couple. Our Center provides couples with the maximum amount of clinical, emotional, and administrative support they will need to complete their cycle successfully - whether it results in a

This technique is recommended when infertility is unexplained, secondary to a male factor, cervical factor, mild tubal factor or caused by endometriosis but tubal patency (opening) is established.We monitor the female partner's follicular pha

Semen Cryopreservation  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Sperm cryopreservation and banking has become a widely accepted part of our culture. Once looked upon with uncertainty, this practice has proven time and time again to be a successful method of keeping the hope of a family alive for many men. The rea

Semen Processing  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Prior to placement in the uterus (Artificial Insemination), it is beneficial to separate motile sperm from the remainder of the semen specimen.This procedure uses a two-layer density gradient technique to separate motile sperm from the semina

One of the major causes of female infertility is either complete absence of or abnormal ovulation. Successful production of oocytes is influenced by numerous hormones with very delicate balances that create the woman's normal cycle. Frequently the pr

Gonadotropin Cycles  ( Jul 30,2010 )

Gonadotropins are fertility medications that contain follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is produce naturally by the pituitary gland, alone or combined with luteinizing hormone (LH), also produced by the pituitary gland. A related medication is

Sonohysterography (SHG) is an ultrasound-monitored procedure similar to a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and is used to detect abnormalities of the uterus and fallopian tubes or tubal blockage. The indications for its use overlap with those for an HSG.

Deccan Fertility Clinic administers the following tests to determine problems of the female partner concerning ovulation, egg transport, fertilization or implantation. These tests are based on the physician's examination and analysis.Serum Ho

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